How to become a member of SLITPA-UAE


An individual who fulfills the following criteria, shall be eligible to apply for a Membership of the SLITPA-UAE as Members.

  • Holding an IT qualification such as a diploma, undergraduate, and post graduate degree from a reputed institution,or,
  • Working as an IT Professional as defined in the Article 2.1.5 of the SLITPA-UAE constitution.
  • individual shall be residing in the UAE with valid residence visa.

Membership shall be accepted by the Membership Sub Committee and shall decide whether to grant or reject membership to the SLITPA-UAE

Membership Fees

The membership fee will be AED 120 including VAT (5%) per annum and shall be paid by each Member upon acceptance as a Member of the SLITPA UAE.

Become a member

Please submit the online registration form below to become a Member of SLITPA UAE.

Register as a Member