PRESS RELEASE – BBQ Night with IT Geeks

26th March 2022 –

Members of the Sri Lankan IT professionals Association (SLITPA UAE) gathered at the Mushrif Park Dubai for BBQ Night on Saturday 26th March. More than 40 participants including family members join the event. The event starts at 4:30 pm and lasts till 10:30 pm. Evening Snacks with delicious Sri Lankan Short Eats followed by a Hot cup of teas provided to all the participants at the start of the gathering.

This event was organized by the Events and Social Affairs Sub Committee having the objective of SLITPA Members to gather physically to have a fun time and network among members.  This was their 3rd Social Gathering event during the first year of the SLITPA.
It was witnessed that SLITPA Members were having really nice networking time with new members and some of the new members were saying that it was a golden opportunity for them to meet new members and exchange their views.

SLITPA Events committee has arranged a Sri Lankan chef to provide all the required meals to the event participants including live cooking. The chef started the BBQ grilling process around 7 pm and he was supported by several SLITPA members. Members were given the opportunity to introduce themselves to the participants while the chef was busy with the preparation of BBQ. Sri Lankan musical session led by our own member and musician to keep the participants engaged and enjoyed with classic Sri Lankan music. The BBQ dinner was served to members around 9 pm and we have seen members and their family were enjoying the delicious BBQ dinner. The event concluded successfully at around 10:30 pm and everyone left the park most of the members requested to organize such gatherings more often.