Sri Lankan IT professionals Association UAE in collaboration with Sri Lanka Association of Software Services Companies (SLASSCOM) conducted an online webinar on Friday 16th July at 2.30 pm in UAE time to Introduce SLASSCOM’s Global Referral Program to the SLITPA and other Sri Lankan Professionals living in UAE.
The main objective of this webinar is to brief participants on the SLASSCOM Global Referral Program, presenting Sri Lankans in UAE with a unique opportunity to support driving global business opportunities to Sri Lanka’s ICT/BPM sector. SLASSCOM has been conducting this webinar in many countries around the world by targeting Sri Lankan expats are living in those countries in order to drive global business opportunities to Sri Lanka’s IT sector.
SLASSCOM GRP Event started sharp 2:30 pm in UAE time and more than 30 participants participated in this webinar. Lakshmi Jaliyagodage, Programme Manage SLASSCOM Cooperate Office moderated the entire event, and the President of SLITPA Chamil Mendis welcome all the participants of the event at the beginning. He further highlighted the importance of the GRP program and urge everyone to be part of it to help Sri Lankan IT/BPM Industry.
Mudith Uswatta conducted the 45 minutes’ full comprehensive presentation of the SLASSCOM GRP to the audience and answered many questions raised by the participants. He started his session with some examples and explain how they started this program and how it worked and explain the complete process of this referral program. He further explains the expected benefits for individuals and concluded the session by showing some case studies.
Shehan Selvanayagam from SLASSCOM has done the vote of thanks by concluding the webinar.
SLASSCOM also has published a press release in Sri Lankan Printed Media and Digital Media on 16th August
Printed Media
Daily FT Newspaper
Daily Mirror Newspaper
Digital Media
Daily FT Online
Daily Mirror Online
LBN / Ceylon Business Reporter