SLITPA UAE Overnight Camping Event

11th March 2023

Dubai, UAE – Sri Lanka Information Technology Professional Association (SLITPA-UAE) members and their family and friends enjoyed a wonderful evening at Love Lake Dubai on 11th March 2023. The event was organized by the Event committee of SLITPA-UAE.

The group arrived at the campsite in the evening and set up their tents, with some members going early to share the location with the others. The evening started with a delicious BBQ dinner that everyone enjoyed. Later, the group gathered around in the area where the bbq pit was installed to sing, mingle, and share their ideas, which made for a truly unforgettable experience.
In the morning, everyone enjoyed a traditional Sri Lankan breakfast before packing up and leaving the campsite. The event was a great success, and all participants had a fantastic time bonding with one another and enjoying the beautiful surroundings of Love Lake Dubai.

The event committee of SLITPA-UAE expressed their gratitude to all the participants for making the event a success and to the organizers for their hard work in arranging the event. They also thanked the management of Love Lake Dubai for their support and for providing an excellent venue for the event.