Sri Lankan IT Personality of the Year

Nominate Sri Lankan IT personality of the year here 

To select the “Sri Lankan IT Personality of the Year” in the UAE, SLITPA  will use a comprehensive set of criteria that evaluates candidates based on their contributions, impact, and achievements within the IT industry. Here’s a suggested set of criteria:

1. Professional Achievements

  • Career Progression: Evaluation of career growth, leadership roles, and significant promotions.
  • Innovation: Contributions to innovative projects, development of new technologies, or implementation of cutting-edge solutions.
  • Awards and Recognitions: Any industry awards, recognitions, or honours received in the past year.

2. Impact on the Industry

  • Business Impact: Contribution to significant business outcomes, such as increased revenue, market share, or strategic advancements.
  • Thought Leadership: Participation in industry conferences, publications, or media engagements as a thought leader.
  • Mentorship: Involvement in mentoring or training other professionals within the IT community.

3. Community Contributions

  • Social Responsibility: Initiatives taken to support the IT community or broader society, including volunteer work, charity, or educational efforts.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Efforts to promote diversity and inclusion within the workplace or the broader IT industry.

4. Innovation and Technological Advancements

  • Projects and Initiatives: Leading or contributing to significant IT projects or initiatives that have had a measurable impact.
  • Technological Contributions: Development or implementation of new technologies, systems, or methodologies.

5. Leadership and Management

  • Leadership Skills: Demonstrated excellence in leadership, including managing teams, strategic decision-making, and influencing company direction.
  • Change Management: Successfully leading major organisational changes or transformations within the IT sector.

6. Educational Contributions

  • Knowledge Sharing: Contribution to education through teaching, publishing research, or creating educational content.
  • Certifications and Further Education: Attainment of relevant certifications, advanced degrees, or ongoing professional development.

7. Recognition from Peers

  • Peer Reviews: Positive feedback and recognition from peers, colleagues, and industry leaders.
  • Professional Networks: Active participation and influence in professional networks and organisations.

This structured approach ensures a fair and thorough selection process, recognising individuals who have made significant contributions to the IT industry in the UAE while representing the Sri Lankan community.